Create Coupons

Viral Coupon Distribution

Send your coupons to multiple websites, with just one click!

You have designed your coupon using our coupon design tool, used Spiral Scratch to put your coupons on your website, added a website coupon tab, plugged into our Facebook app, and even Tweeted your coupons, now you want to reach an even greater audience and build up your SEO with links in to your coupon.

Coupontank lets you easily reach a greater audience with our built-in feature called "Coupon Blasting". Once you have created your coupons, simply click the BLAST! button and send your coupon to some of the largest coupon websites and social networks on the web, including:

Coupontank Facebook Page
Spiral Scratch Twitter Page
Coupontank Coupon Page

Start using Spiral Scratch to successfully market to your customers. Sign up for a free 15-day trial today.

Viral Coupon Options and Highlights

coupon designer

  • Click a button and distribute your coupons to multiple websites and social networks
  • Blast coupons to our social networks and get more SEO exposure

Coupontank makes distributing coupons fun and easy!